Traveling with Your 4-Legged Friend

This month, we’re talking about traveling with your favorite companion, AKA, your dog. With summer upon us, it might just be time to start planning a fun vacay! And why not make it even more fun by being accompanied by your favorite canine?! Today we’ll be discussing some tips/ tricks when it comes to traveling with your dog.

It’s important to know that every dog will react differently depending on the way you travel. Some dogs might be better with car travel; other dogs may do better traveling via plane. It really just comes down to your dog’s personality.

When you’re on a road trip, it’s a good rule of thumb to stop every two hours so your dog can go to the bathroom, eat and/or drink, and stretch it out, especially if your dog is traveling in a pet carrier or crate. Keep your pooch safe by making sure they are always secured by a seat belt while traveling by car. Bringing their favorite toys to play or snuggle with will help keep them entertained when you’re busy driving and jamming out to your favorite song on the road. Keep in mind, it might take some time for your dog to get used to traveling in the car. Start with shorter trips around town before you commit to a long road trip. Dogs love road trips because it feeds into their sense of adventure and allows them to explore new sights and smells.

We’ve talked plenty about car travel, what about air travel? While you might not be traveling on a plane for a couple more months, it’s good to know how to prepare your dog for traveling in a plane. One of the most important things to take into consideration when flying with your dog is the cost. It will run you approximately $250 round trip, to have your dog in the cabin with you. Your dog will be considered “carry-on luggage” and must be able to be secured underneath your seat. You’ll also need to purchase an airline-compliant pet carrier, which can cost anywhere from $30 to $250. If your dog is too big to travel in the cabin, they will have to travel in the baggage hold as “air cargo”. This service can be expensive as it’s based upon weight and size of the animal. Once you have your pet’s ticket in hand, make sure they have gotten lots of rest, been fed an appropriate amount of food, and most importantly, gone to the bathroom. You definitely don’t want your dog to have an accident on the plane and the person next to you will thank you in advance.

Whether you travel by car or plane, the most important thing is spending quality time together and making memories that will last a lifetime. More than 95 percent of people haven’t seen the entire country, so why not explore it with your best four-legged friend?! Bon Voyage!


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